Welcome to the new and rebooted Forest2Sea Adventure Photography website!
I’m exploring my passion for water. I’ve always lived near the sea and it’s in my blood. From underwater landscapes and creatures, to rivers, lakes and waterfalls – I seek out water. Whether my amazing (and very patient) wife, CrtrGrl, and I are scuba diving, hiking, backpacking or just exploring by car, I always seem to steer towards water. And then stop and take lots and lots of photos, hence the need for patience.
I’m also passionate about nature. To me, Under Pressure refers to both the state we’re in while exploring underwater and the state of the natural world due to human population. Our sheer numbers are putting pressure on both the oceans and the shrinking wilderness. Jacques Cousteau said, “People protect what they love“. I share the beauty and wonder of the natural world so that more people might come to know it and to love it.
I decided to start over and go with a hosted WordPress site so that I could put everything I wanted into one website, including my blog. I have a lot to share and I plan to use this new medium so that my fans will get to see more of my photography, including behind the scenes adventures.
With the new website, I plan to share a wider range of content that I hope will be inspiring and informative (categories, waiting for content to be shared – stay tuned):
- Local Photos – Here’s where I’ll share photos taken in Southern California – Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Jolla and the surrounding areas.
- Dive Reports – Scuba dive reports, photos and videos.
- (Mis)Adventure Stories – Stories, photos and video of my adventures with CrtrGrl. Sometimes they are misadventures, serving as a warning to others.
- Adventure Photography Guide – How I shoot underwater and landscape photos. My techniques, my gear.
- Things of Interest – Things that I find interesting, that I think my fans might find interesting.
Photos of Scott by CrtrGrl
Looks great! Congrats!
Thanks so much Jim! I’m still surprised at how much work it took, really happy to be able to focus more on content than the website!