I’m excited to share that one of my favorite diver portraits is featured in the January / February 2017 issue of PADI’s Sport Diver Magazine. The photo appears in Brooke Morton‘s article on “50 Ways to Challenge Yourself” – #4 – California Shore Diving. As a cool bonus, she interviewed me on the challenges of shore diving in Southern California. Many thanks to Allison Vitsky, amazing underwater photographer and founder of Dive Into the Pink (non-profit supporting the fight against breast cancer), for the referral!
My dive buddies – Newell, Kim, Terry & Spencer – met up at La Jolla Shores, CA to do a dive on Christmas morning. I couldn’t dive that day, but still felt the call of the ocean, so I took photos of them as they headed out on an overcast Christmas day. It was my first above water diver portrait.

My divers photo is featured in the Sport Diver Magazine article on “50 Ways to Challenge Yourself”.